Gynecology/Women's Health
L. Ginger Frederiksen, MD - Gynecology
Number: 719-845-3190Whether you're a woman in need of contraception, an annual exam, experiencing menopause, or require surgical care, the Mt. San Rafael Hospital Women's Clinic offers the experience you need. You will always receive personalized treatment and knowledgeable answers to your questions. Whether you need diagnosis or treatment for a woman's healthcare concern, we provide comprehensive gynecological services.
Gynecological services provided include:

Gynecology Surgical Services provided include:

Offering Genius™ 3D Mammography™
Mt. San Rafael Hospital performs 3D mammograms using the latest in 3D mammography technology through the implementation of the State-of-the-Art Genius™ 3D Mammography™ platform developed by Hologic, Inc., a worldwide leader in Women's Health. Utilizing advanced breast tomosynthesis technology, Genius mammography exams are clinically proven to significantly increase the detection of breast cancers, and decrease the number of women asked to return for additional testing.Using breast tomosynthesis technology, the system creates a 3-dimensional image of the breast structure, which enables radiologists to more clearly see through overlapping tissue to detect cancers, often at an earlier stage. A Genius mammography exam requires no additional compression and takes just a few seconds longer than a conventional 2D breast cancer screening exam. Using this new technology, researchers have found:
• The Genius™ 3D Mammography™ exam finds 20-65% more invasive breast cancers compared to 2D alone, an average increase of 41%.
• Only the Genius™ 3D Mammography™ exam is FDA approved as superior for women with dense breasts compared to 2D alone.
• The Genius™ 3D Mammography™ exam reduces callbacks by up to 40% compared to 2D alone.
To schedule an appointment for a 3D mammogram, please contact our Imaging Center at (719) 719-846-8081.
Additional Services for Women:
Genetic Testing for Cancer ~ Women with a strong family history of cancer may receive genetic testing by providing samples of saliva or blood, along with a detailed family history of the disease. The information and samples are taken from patients and processed to provide a genetic assessment of the likelihood of being diagnosed with cancer in the future. Once testing is completed, patients may follow-up directly with the Women's Clinic or speak with a genetic counselor to review the results in detail. Not all women need this testing, but the ability to detect a specific inherited cancer risk can be very important. The testing requires a copay, but for certain women with a strong family history of cancer, the procedure is billable through most insurances and covered for those on Medicaid. Scholarships for the testing are also available through a grant program.Urinary Urgency, Frequency, Overactive Bladder & Urge Incontinence ~ For women who may not be surgical candidates, are taking prescription drugs which would otherwise interact with medications currently available to treat this issue, or if medications have not been effective, the Women's Clinic offers a treatment option called PTNS (Percutaneous Tibal Neurostimulation). It is a non-surgical, non-medication treatment option which has been successful for 80% of patients. PTNS features 12 weekly sessions with monthly "tune ups." The procedure needs to be preauthorized; however, Medicare, Medicaid and most insurances cover up to three (3) years of treatments.
For more information about genetic testing and its requirements or the PTNS procedure, please contact the Women's Clinic at (719) 845-3190.