Damian Mizera, MD
- Specialties: Orthopaedics
- Mt. San Rafael Hospital Professional Complex
Orthopaedic Clinic
328 Bonaventure Avenue
Trinidad, CO 81082
- Office: 719-845-4296
Dr. Mizera received his bachelor's degree in natural science from Goshen College in Goshen, Indiana. He received his medical degree from Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis. Dr. Mizera completed his orthopaedic surgery residency at the William Beaumont Army Medical Center and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in El Paso, Texas.Dr. Mizera is board certified in orthopaedic surgery.
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Dr. Mizera came to us most recently from Missouri where he provided orthopaedic surgical services for Western Missouri Bone & Joint, Inc., and Western Missouri Medical Center; both located in Warrensburg. He also formerly served the Greater Regional Medical Center in Creston, Iowa, and St. Francis Orthopedic and Sports Medicine in Marysville, Missouri.Dr. Mizera, along with his wife Mary, are parents to five children.