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Michaela Davies, PA-C

  • Specialties: Family Medicine
  • Mt. San Rafael Hospital Clinic
    400 Benedicta Avenue
    Trinidad, CO 81082
  • Office: 719-846-2206
Ms. Davies joined the Mt. San Rafael Hospital Clinic team in 2024, and serves as a Physician Assistant providing for the medical needs of patients taking advantage of the Rural Health Clinic's same day appointments and acute care patients utilizing the Walk-In Clinic.


Ms. Davies received her bachelor's degree in biology from Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut. She also received her master's degree in physician assistant studies from Sacred Heart University.

More/Other Information

Ms. Davies comes to us most recently from Rockland, New York, where she served as a family medicine provider for Rockland Urgent Care Family Health. Prior to that, she served as an emergency medicine provider for Stamford Hospital in Stamford, Connecticut. She also previously served as a primary care provider for Dingle Medical Centre in Dingle, Ireland.